226 lines
6.9 KiB
226 lines
6.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path
import re
import json
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import lxml.html
from . import feeds
from . import crawler
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin
from urllib2 import urlopen
from httplib import HTTPException
except ImportError:
from configparser import ConfigParser
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from urllib.request import urlopen
from http.client import HTTPException
except NameError:
basestring = str
def to_class(query):
pattern = r'\[class=([^\]]+)\]'
repl = r'[@class and contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " \1 ")]'
return re.sub(pattern, repl, query)
def get_rule(link):
config = ConfigParser()
config.read(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'feedify.ini'))
for section in config.sections():
values = dict(config.items(section))
values['path'] = values['path'].split('\n')[1:]
for path in values['path']:
if fnmatch(link, path):
return values
return False
def supported(link):
return get_rule(link) is not False
def format_string(string, getter, error=False):
out = ""
char = string[0]
follow = string[1:]
if char == '"':
match = follow.partition('"')
out = match[0]
if len(match) >= 2:
next_match = match[2]
next_match = None
elif char == '{':
match = follow.partition('}')
test = format_string(match[0], getter, True)
except (ValueError, KeyError):
out = test
next_match = match[2]
elif char == ' ':
next_match = follow
elif re.search(r'^([^{}<>" ]+)(?:<"([^>]+)">)?(.*)$', string):
match = re.search(r'^([^{}<>" ]+)(?:<"([^>]+)">)?(.*)$', string).groups()
raw_value = getter(match[0])
if not isinstance(raw_value, basestring):
if match[1] is not None:
out = match[1].join(raw_value)
out = ''.join(raw_value)
if not out and error:
raise ValueError
next_match = match[2]
raise ValueError('bogus string')
if next_match is not None and len(next_match):
return out + format_string(next_match, getter, error)
return out
def pre_worker(url):
if url.startswith('http://itunes.apple.com/') or url.startswith('https://itunes.apple.com/'):
match = re.search('/id([0-9]+)(\?.*)?$', url)
if match:
iid = match.groups()[0]
redirect = 'https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?id=%s' % iid
con = crawler.custom_handler(basic=True).open(redirect, timeout=4)
data = con.read()
except (IOError, HTTPException):
return json.loads(data.decode('utf-8', 'replace'))['results'][0]['feedUrl']
return None
class Builder(object):
def __init__(self, link, data=None):
self.link = link
self.data = data
if self.data is None:
self.data = urlopen(link).read()
self.encoding = crawler.detect_encoding(self.data)
if isinstance(self.data, bytes):
self.data = self.data.decode(crawler.detect_encoding(self.data), 'replace')
self.rule = get_rule(link)
if self.rule['mode'] == 'xpath':
self.doc = lxml.html.fromstring(self.data)
elif self.rule['mode'] == 'json':
self.doc = json.loads(self.data)
self.feed = feeds.FeedParserAtom()
def raw(self, html, expr):
" Returns selected items, thru a stupid query "
if self.rule['mode'] == 'xpath':
return html.xpath(to_class(expr))
elif self.rule['mode'] == 'json':
a = [html]
b = []
for x in expr.strip(".").split("."):
match = re.search('^([^\[]+)(?:\[([0-9]+)\])?$', x).groups()
for elem in a:
if isinstance(elem, dict):
kids = elem.get(match[0])
if kids is None:
elif isinstance(kids, list):
b += kids
elif isinstance(kids, basestring):
b.append(kids.replace('\n', '<br/>'))
if match[1] is None:
a = b
if len(b) - 1 >= int(match[1]):
a = [b[int(match[1])]]
a = []
b = []
return a
def strings(self, html, expr):
" Turns the results into a nice array of strings (ie. sth useful) "
if self.rule['mode'] == 'xpath':
out = []
for match in self.raw(html, expr):
if isinstance(match, basestring):
elif isinstance(match, lxml.html.HtmlElement):
elif self.rule['mode'] == 'json':
out = self.raw(html, expr)
out = [x.decode(self.encoding) if isinstance(x, bytes) else x for x in out]
return out
def string(self, html, expr):
" Makes a formatted string out of the getter and rule "
getter = lambda x: self.strings(html, x)
return format_string(self.rule[expr], getter)
def build(self):
" Builds the actual rss feed "
if 'title' in self.rule:
self.feed.title = self.string(self.doc, 'title')
if 'items' in self.rule:
matches = self.raw(self.doc, self.rule['items'])
if matches and len(matches):
for item in matches:
feed_item = {}
if 'item_title' in self.rule:
feed_item['title'] = self.string(item, 'item_title')
if 'item_link' in self.rule:
url = self.string(item, 'item_link')
if url:
url = urljoin(self.link, url)
feed_item['link'] = url
if 'item_desc' in self.rule:
feed_item['desc'] = self.string(item, 'item_desc')
if 'item_content' in self.rule:
feed_item['content'] = self.string(item, 'item_content')
if 'item_time' in self.rule:
feed_item['updated'] = self.string(item, 'item_time')
if 'item_id' in self.rule:
feed_item['id'] = self.string(item, 'item_id')
feed_item['is_permalink'] = False