244 lines
7.1 KiB
244 lines
7.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import feeds
import morss
import re
import urllib2
import lxml.html
import json
import urlparse
import time
def toclass(query):
pattern = r'\[class=([^\]]+)\]'
repl = r'[@class and contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " \1 ")]'
return re.sub(pattern, repl, query)
def getRule(link):
config = ConfigParser()
for section in config.sections():
values = dict(config.items(section))
values['path'] = values['path'].split('\n')[1:]
for path in values['path']:
if fnmatch(link, path):
return values
return False
def supported(link):
return getRule(link) is not False
def formatString(string, getter, error=False):
out = ""
char = string[0]
follow = string[1:]
if char == '"':
match = follow.partition('"')
out = match[0]
if len(match) >= 2:
next = match[2]
next = None
elif char == '{':
match = follow.partition('}')
test = formatString(match[0], getter, True)
except ValueError, KeyError:
out = test
next = match[2]
elif char == ' ':
next = follow
elif re.search(r'^([^{}<>" ]+)(?:<"([^>]+)">)?(.*)$', string):
match = re.search(r'^([^{}<>" ]+)(?:<"([^>]+)">)?(.*)$', string).groups()
rawValue = getter(match[0])
if not isinstance(rawValue, basestring):
if match[1] is not None:
out = match[1].join(rawValue)
out = ''.join(rawValue)
if not out and error:
raise ValueError
next = match[2]
raise ValueError('bogus string')
if next is not None and len(next):
return out + formatString(next, getter, error)
return out
def PreWorker(url, cache):
if urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc == 'graph.facebook.com':
facebook = cache.new('facebook', persistent=True, dic=True)
token = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)['access_token'][0]
if token not in facebook['token']:
# this token ain't known, look for info about it
eurl = "https://graph.facebook.com/debug_token?input_token={token}&access_token={app_token}".format(token=token, app_token=morss.FBAPPTOKEN)
data = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(eurl).read())['data']
app_id = str(data['app_id'])
user_id = str(data['user_id'])
expires = int(data['expires_at'])
short = 'issued_at' not in data
facebook['token'][token] = {'user': user_id, 'expires': expires}
# do some woodoo to know if we already have sth better
if user_id not in facebook['user']:
# grab a new one anyway, new user
facebook['user'][user_id] = {'original': token}
good = True
# maybe it's a better one
last = facebook['user'][user_id]['token']
last_expires = facebook['token'][last]['expires']
if expires > last_expires:
# new is better
good = True
if good and short and app_id == morss.FBAPPID:
eurl = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token&client_id={app_id}&client_secret={app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={short_lived_token}".format(app_id=morss.FBAPPID, app_secret=morss.FBSECRET, short_lived_token=token)
values = urlparse.parse_qs(urllib2.urlopen(eurl).read().strip())
token = values['access_token'][0]
expires = int(time.time() + int(values['expires'][0]))
facebook['token'][token] = {'user': user_id, 'expires': expires}
facebook['user'][user_id]['token'] = token
# hey look for a newer token and use it
token = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)['access_token'][0]
user_id = facebook['token'][token]['user']
last = facebook['user'][user_id]['token']
original = facebook['user'][user_id]['original']
nurl = url.replace(token, last)
ncache = url.replace(token, original)
cache.set('redirect', nurl)
cache.set('cache', ncache)
class Builder(object):
def __init__(self, link, data=None, cache=False):
self.link = link
self.cache = cache
if data is None:
data = urllib2.urlopen(link).read()
self.data = data
self.rule = getRule(link)
if self.rule['mode'] == 'xpath':
if not isinstance(self.data, unicode):
self.data = self.data.decode(morss.detEncoding(self.data), 'replace')
self.doc = lxml.html.fromstring(self.data)
elif self.rule['mode'] == 'json':
self.doc = json.loads(data)
self.feed = feeds.FeedParserAtom()
def raw(self, html, expr):
if self.rule['mode'] == 'xpath':
return html.xpath(toclass(expr))
elif self.rule['mode'] == 'json':
a = [html]
b = []
for x in expr.strip(".").split("."):
match = re.search(r'^([^\[]+)(?:\[([0-9]+)\])?$', x).groups()
for elem in a:
if isinstance(elem, dict):
kids = elem.get(match[0])
if kids is None:
elif isinstance(kids, list):
[b.append(i) for i in kids]
elif isinstance(kids, basestring):
b.append(kids.replace('\n', '<br/>'))
if match[1] is None:
a = b
if len(b)-1 >= int(match[1]):
a = [b[int(match[1])]]
a = []
b = []
return a
def strings(self, html, expr):
if self.rule['mode'] == 'xpath':
out = []
for match in self.raw(html, expr):
if isinstance(match, basestring):
elif isinstance(match, lxml.html.HtmlElement):
return out
elif self.rule['mode'] == 'json':
return self.raw(html, expr)
def string(self, html, expr):
getter = lambda x: self.strings(html, x)
return formatString(self.rule[expr], getter)
def build(self):
if 'title' in self.rule:
self.feed.title = self.string(self.doc, 'title')
if 'items' in self.rule:
matches = self.raw(self.doc, self.rule['items'])
if matches and len(matches):
for item in matches:
feedItem = {}
if 'item_title' in self.rule:
feedItem['title'] = self.string(item, 'item_title')
if 'item_link' in self.rule:
url = self.string(item, 'item_link')
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.link, url)
feedItem['link'] = url
if 'item_desc' in self.rule:
feedItem['desc'] = self.string(item, 'item_desc')
if 'item_content' in self.rule:
feedItem['content'] = self.string(item, 'item_content')
if 'item_time' in self.rule:
feedItem['updated'] = self.string(item, 'item_time')
if 'item_id' in self.rule:
feedItem['id'] = self.string(item, 'item_id')
feedItem['isPermaLink'] = False
if urlparse.urlparse(self.link).netloc == 'graph.facebook.com':
if self.cache:
facebook = self.cache.new('facebook', True)
token = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(self.link).query)['access_token'][0]
expires = facebook['token'][token]['expires']
lifespan = expires - time.time()
if lifespan < 5*24*3600:
new = self.feed.items.append()
new.link = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id={app_id}&redirect_uri=http://test.morss.it/:facebook/".format(app_id=morss.FBAPPID)
new.desc = "Please renew your Facebook app token for this app to keep working for this feed.<br/><a href='{}'>Go!</a>".format(new.link)
new.time = expires